
Monday, July 19, 2010

I am so incredibly tired this week. I’ve had a huge amount of trouble dragging myself out of bed for work each day and I think I’ve worked out why. My body wants to hibernate because it is so damn cold at the moment. I’ve gone into good, old-fashioned, animal instinct hibernation mode. I should be curled up in bed sleeping until the sun decides that it would like to share some warmth with us again instead of lavishing it so freely on the other side of the world.

What this hibernation mode means for me is that my brain isn’t really working at full capacity at the moment. I’ve managed to drag my poor sleepy body out of bed and make it work, but there’s no dragging my brain out of its semi-coma and making it switch back on. I’ve tried plying it with caffeine and alcohol, tried kick-starting it by giving it complicated puzzles to work out or difficult scrabble moves to make, but alas – it’s gone to bed for the winter. I fear that I am doomed to another month and a half of dim-wittedness before my poor brain gives a big yawn, stretches its arms and says ‘Good Morning’ again.

Until then I am merely mush on legs.


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