Today I did something that I never do - I stayed home from work. I took a sick day.
I guess technically I was sick - I wasn't really in any sort of shape to be at work, but I’m not sure if it counts if it's self-inflicted.
I had a really big hang-over. Yes, I know how insanely irresponsible it is to take a sick day because you drank too much the night before. And I know that I shouldn't have been drinking that much on a weeknight in the first place. I just got a little carried away.
I’m not a drinking-during-the-week kind of person, but last night I had dinner with my best friend who I haven't spent time with in a very long time. We've both had other priorities, and have put off catching up for a while. Last night, what was supposed to be a relaxed dinner turned into a little bit of a piss-up.
It all started because we wanted a glass of wine with dinner, but it was almost the same price to buy a whole bottle. We gave in and bought the bottle, because we figured we were having a banquet - we'd be there for a while and there would be plenty of food to soak up all the alcohol. The trouble with this theory is that it doesn’t account for the fact that after drinking a whole bottle of wine, you're probably not in the best shape to be making rational decisions - which is what led us to getting a second bottle of wine.
Needless to say, we drank way too much for the food to counteract and ended up in a state that is totally in-appropriate for a weeknight. It doesn’t help that I am a total light-weight when it comes to consuming wine.
Now I’m feeling incredibly guilty, because I’m not the sort of person who takes a sick day for a hangover - I’m not even the kind of person who really takes sick days at all unless I’m on my death bed. I’m going to be up all night thinking about how wrong it is to take the day off for something this stupid.
Did you have a religious upbringing? All this guilt!
Tell yourself you caught something from your friend. It was transmitted to you via a shared bottle... or two.
heheh. It happens to us all occasionally! No big deal, as long as it's not habitual.
No, if I had a religious upbringing I wouldn't have the guilt because I would have confessed and forgotten all about it. That's how religion works, right?
Depends on the religion. The one I was brought up in demanded that you continue to feel guilty even after you confessed to everything, and not only that, every little bad thing that happened to you for weeks afterwards was Punishment From God.
So if you get an ingrown toenail, don't worry. It will merely be your reward for getting a hangover on a work day.
It proves that god loves you, you see.
No, that's not how religion works if you read it carefully (Romans 6, 7 and James 2. Then read Romans 4,5).
Religion is a bit more complicated (like most things). If you have saving faith you ought to feel bad for your sins, you ought to hate them, and struggle against them, but you know you are forgiven for them. Anyone who says "I'm forgiven, so I can sin all I want" is an "antinomian" (Google that!).
You just seemed to be beating yourself up over an anomaly, a one time occurrence, which is not really an ongoing sin issue so you shouldn't be worrying about it. What you describe is more like a mistake than sin.
Maybe you should be religious if you're capable of guilt (a rare thing in today's secular society). One of the greatest evangelists of our day, Ray Comfort, is from New Zealand. And of course Ken Ham is from Australia (I haven't been to the museum yet).
Archbishop of Sydney, Peter Jensen, is not going to Lambeth 2008. My stupid country (USA yeah!) is destroying the Anglican Communion.
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