Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

On Tuesday night we had a bbq dinner as a sort of mini goodbye party for my brother and his wife & daughter who are headed over to England for Christmas. I love these sorts of family barbecues because they’re always a bit of a laugh for one reason or another. Most of the time the entertainment is provided by my niece, who is now a little over 3 years old. This bbq was no exception to the norm.

I decided that I wanted to teach my niece a joke. I told her to listen carefully and I’d teach her a joke that she could tell her granddad. The conversation went something like this

Me: Can you remember this so you can tell Grandad

Her: OK

Me: why did the chicken cross the road?

At this point she farts loudly and we both laugh.

Her: because he wanted to get to farty land!

This seemed like a much funnier response than the regular old’ to get to the other side’ bit, so I suggested that she go and tell the joke to KJ. It then went something like this:

Her: KJ, why did the chicken cross the road on a bike?

KJ: Why?

Her: Because it’s a joke!!

Which all just goes to prove that three year olds are way funnier than adults.


Badaunt said...

Hmm. It occurs to me that your three-year-old niece may have come up with the punchline to the 'koara' joke my student accidentally included in his homework!

Iron Pugilist said...

That was hilarious. I gotta try that on my friends.

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