Crazy Confused Magpie

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Crazy confused Magpie is back. I can’t recall if I’ve mentioned him here before. He's a bird who is confused about what time of the day it is. He warbles the way magpies do in the morning – only he does it all night instead of in the morning like regular magpies. He graced us with his wonderful noisy presence all of last winter and has been un-noticeably and pleasantly absent until last night.

When I headed to bed at about 11:30 last night, he was warbling his merry morning song as if the sun were peeking over the horizon for a new day. It wasn’t. It was cold and dark and bleak outside. I was tired and he kept me awake until about 2am.

He is ruining me for spring mornings. Soon, when spring rolls around and I wake to one of those fantastic mornings where the warm sunshine filters through the curtains and you wake to the sound of bird song, I will become irate and get out of bed grumpy because I will have spent all winter being kept awake by a bird whose internal clock has a flat battery.

Do you think if i turned on all the lights outside it would trick him into thinking that it was the middle of the day and he would stop singing?


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