Y is for Year

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Writing 26 solid days worth of crap about myself has really got me thinking back over everything that I do. It’s easy to look back over the last year of your life and feel like not much has happened, which is probably not the case. Given the amount of stuff I was able to write about in one month, I thought it might be a good idea to look back over my last 12 months and see what sorts of things happened to me in the space of a year. I was surprised to find that for a year that seemed relatively dull when viewed day by day, a lot of big-ish stuff happened.

I had my First (and only) Ebay experience. That’s a pretty big deal for a massive nerd like me – I’ve shopped online a fair bit, but I’ve always resisted the urge to become an E-Bayer.

I learnt a fair bit about Aussie music, and I got to see one of my favourite bands, The Whitlams, play my favourite album of theirs start to finish. I also saw Liza Minelli – not a highlight as such, but definitely memorable.

I got Glasses. I had avoided getting them for a long time, but found that having glasses had more pros than I expected.

A new family member came into the world. My Niece is about 4 months old now and very sweet – she looks like a tiny little doll.

I saw a Stripper who may or may not have been slightly over the hill. Not sure that it was an event worth remembering, but it happened this year and I don’t think I’ll forget it.

I freaked out about my age. Twice. Not sure that bodes well for future years of blogging.

I posted my 100th blog entry here on blogger. I’m now well past my 200th, so I guess I’ve been pretty active in writing this year.

I began, and tomorrow will finish, a solid 26 days of writing random alphabetically ordered crap about myself.

And these were just the things I blogged about - on top of these, there were a lot of events that I didn't write about that I can look back on as being pretty memorable. So it’s not been an entirely uneventful year. I did new things, changed my look, welcomed a new person into the world - all in a year that I looked back on yesterday as being reasonably dull. I guess the next step here is to try and fit more of these big events into the coming years, so that when I look back on them, each one seems full and interesting.


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